Connor Rothschild

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STEMigration: Leaving and Entering STEM Fields During College

March 11, 2019

The goal of this project is to explore trends in STEM enrollment for different populations. Specifically, it asks: Are traditionally underrepresented groups more likely to migrate into or out of STEM majors? What discrepancies are present between different demographic groups?

conflicted::conflict_prefer("filter", "dplyr")

set_cr_theme(font = "lato")

The Data

The dataset for this project comes from and contains the enrollment numbers for undergraduates nationwide.

undergradenrollment <- read_excel("undergradenrollment.xlsx")

I modified that data in Excel to make it more suitable for this project. The head of that data:

head(undergradenrollment) %>% kable()
year undergrads female male white asian black hispanic nativeamerican pacificislander multiracial foreignnational firstyearundergrads firstyearfemale firstyearmale firstyearwhite firstyearasian firstyearblack firstyearhispanic firstyearnativeamerican firstyearpacificislander firstyearmultiracial firstyearforeignnational
Class of 2006 405489 69869 335620 277921 43902 23414 36389 2598 NA NA 21265 100228 17047 86787 72471 10421 7619 8403 642 NA NA 4278
Class of 2007 431910 74258 357652 295358 47059 24074 39448 2523 NA NA 23448 110558 16896 86465 72547 10145 7374 8268 696 NA NA 4331
Class of 2008 442952 77671 365281 301483 47738 24771 41919 2629 NA NA 24412 111006 16238 84173 70732 9281 7212 8338 623 NA NA 4225
Class of 2009 468139 83988 384151 315240 50293 25189 47219 2850 NA NA 27348 114704 16751 83477 69369 9796 7112 8773 715 NA NA 4463
Class of 2010 488435 88063 400372 321558 51057 25996 50051 2665 737 5961 30410 119144 18617 91941 76071 11200 7224 9452 729 NA NA 5882
Class of 2011 511306 93633 417673 329348 54403 26989 54245 2554 1093 8819 33855 121766 19342 91664 75508 11106 7338 10282 765 NA NA 6007

The following command collapses the “undergradenrollment” file into a few summary statistics:

  1. The proportion of a class that is of a certain demographic (female, Black, Hispanic)
  2. The change in that proportion between that class’s first year (matriculation) and their final year (graduation)

It then uses the gather function to make that data easier to analyze.

data <- undergradenrollment %>%
  mutate(propfemale = female/undergrads*100, firstyearpropfemale = firstyearfemale/firstyearundergrads*100) %>% 
  mutate(femalegrowth = propfemale-firstyearpropfemale) %>% 
  mutate(prophispanic = hispanic/undergrads*100, firstyearprophispanic = firstyearhispanic/firstyearundergrads*100) %>% 
  mutate(hispanicgrowth = prophispanic-firstyearprophispanic) %>% 
  mutate(propblack = black/undergrads*100, firstyearpropblack = firstyearblack/firstyearundergrads*100) %>% 
  mutate(blackgrowth = propblack-firstyearpropblack) %>% 
  select(year,femalegrowth,blackgrowth,hispanicgrowth,propfemale,prophispanic,propblack)  %>% 
  gather("type", "growth", 2:4) %>% 

The structure of that new dataset:

head(data) %>% kable()
year type growth proportiontype proportion
Class of 2006 femalegrowth 0.2225791 propfemale 17.23080
Class of 2007 femalegrowth 1.9104575 propfemale 17.19293
Class of 2008 femalegrowth 2.9068189 propfemale 17.53486
Class of 2009 femalegrowth 3.3371497 propfemale 17.94083
Class of 2010 femalegrowth 2.4039957 propfemale 18.02963
Class of 2011 femalegrowth 2.4279519 propfemale 18.31252
summary(data) %>% kable()
  year type growth proportiontype proportion
  Length:72 Length:72 Min. :-1.8274 Length:72 Min. : 5.014
  Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.:-0.7427 Class :character 1st Qu.: 5.588
  Mode :character Mode :character Median : 1.7827 Mode :character Median :10.167
  NA NA Mean : 1.0458 NA Mean :11.150
  NA NA 3rd Qu.: 2.3560 NA 3rd Qu.:17.307
  NA NA Max. : 3.3371 NA Max. :19.205

Plots and Analysis

I am first curious how enrollment has changed for each group in my analysis. The following plots enrollment for different underrepresented groups as a proportion of overall enrollment in STEM majors at the undergraduate level.

ggplot(data=data, mapping = aes(x=year,y=proportion, colour=proportiontype, group=proportiontype)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  ggtitle("Demographic Proportion of Overall Enrollment in STEM Majors", subtitle="Over time") +
  xlab("Class") +
  ylab("Percent of Overall Class") +
  theme_minimal() +


Of the traditionally underrepresented groups, women fare the best in STEM. But even at their peak, they only held 19% of seats in STEM classrooms.

Next, I am curious how these shifts vary from one graduation class to another. In other words, which classes experience the greatest shifts in representation throughout their time in university?

I explore this by mutating the data to include a new variable: growth. This variable (which may be more accurately be named “change”) examines the difference between the underrepresented proportion of STEM enrollment at the time of graduation and the time of matriculation. If women were 19% of their class’s STEM majors at time of matriculation in 2015 and 17% of their class’s STEM majors at time of graduation, growth would be 2% (19%-17%).

We can explore these changes by graduation year:

data %>% distinct(year,type,.keep_all=TRUE) %>% 
ggplot(aes(fill=type, y=growth, x=year)) + 
  geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") +
  xlab("Class") +
  ylab("Percent Change") +
  theme_minimal() +
  ggtitle("Percent Change in Proportion of Overall STEM Class", subtitle="Between time of matriculation and time of graduation") +


It seems as if women experience the greatest growth in STEM enrollment during their time as undergraduates, while Black students tend to migrate out of STEM majors.

We can break that down group-by-group.

data %>% distinct(year,type,.keep_all=TRUE) %>% 
  filter(type=="blackgrowth") %>% 
  ggplot(mapping=aes(x=year,y=growth)) +
  geom_col(aes(fill=growth)) + 
  scale_fill_gradient() +
  ylab("Percent Attrition") +
  xlab("Class") +
  ggtitle("Percent Change in Black STEM Undergrads", subtitle = "Between time of matriculation and time of graduation") +
  labs(fill="Attrition") +


data %>% distinct(year,type,.keep_all=TRUE) %>% 
  filter(type=="femalegrowth") %>% 
  ggplot(mapping=aes(x=year,y=growth)) +
  geom_col(aes(fill=growth)) +
  scale_fill_gradient() +
  ylab("Percent Growth") +
  xlab("Class") +
  ggtitle("Percent Change in Female STEM Undergrads", subtitle = "Between time of matriculation and time of graduation") +


data %>% distinct(year,type,.keep_all=TRUE) %>% 
  filter(type=="hispanicgrowth") %>% 
  ggplot(mapping=aes(x=year,y=growth)) +
  geom_col(aes(fill=growth)) +
  scale_fill_gradient() +
  ylab("Percent Growth") +
  xlab("Class") +
  ggtitle("Percent Change in Hispanic STEM Undergrads", subtitle = "Between time of matriculation and time of graduation") +


Here are the previous graphs, faceted:

labels <- c(blackgrowth = "Black", femalegrowth = "Female", hispanicgrowth="Hispanic") 
data %>% distinct(year,type,.keep_all=TRUE) %>% 
  ggplot(mapping=aes(x=year,y=growth)) +
  geom_col(aes(fill=growth)) +
  ylab("Percent Change") +
  xlab("Class") +
  ggtitle("Percent Change in Proportion of STEM Undergrads", subtitle = "Between time of matriculation and time of graduation") +
  labs(fill="Percent\nChange") +
  facet_grid(. ~ type, labeller=labeller(type = labels)) +
  scale_x_discrete(labels = c("Class of 2006" = "2006", "Class of 2007" = "2007", "Class of 2008" = "2008", "Class of 2009" = "2009", "Class of 2010" = "2010", "Class of 2011" = "2011", "Class of 2012" = "2012", "Class of 2013" = "2013"))


Summaries and Takeaways

The decision to migrate into or out of STEM majors is both an individual choice and one shaped by institutional factors. In the face of demographic discrepancies, universities may or may not make changes to make STEM fields more accessible to underrepresented groups.

The data paint a neutral picture of trends in STEM. This analysis may suggest something about individual choices; it may also suggest that universities are not doing enough to make STEM majors accessible to Black students. However, it is promising that women and Hispanic students are able to, and often choose to, migrate into STEM majors.

There does not seem to be a temporal dynamic to these decisions. Although some classes (the Class of 2009) were more than others likely to migrate into STEM majors, no trend makes itself apparent year-by-year.

This analysis may suggest that more can be done to bring women and racial minorities into STEM, or it may simply present the product of individual decisions on the part of underrepresented groups.