Connor Rothschild
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Tidy Tuesday: Powerlifting
October 08, 2019
My Tidy Tuesday submission for the week of October 8, 2019, focusing on international powerlifting competitions.
Load and Clean Data
First, read in the data from
Clean ipf_lifts, and reshape the three lifts into one column:
For my visualization, I’m only concerned with the heaviest lifts from each year:
In order to construct a dumbbell plot, we need both male and female observations in the same row.
Let’s try to construct a dataframe for each sex:
And join them:
Finally, we can construct the visualization.
First, a static viz (thanks to hrbrmaster’s ggalt
Finally, we animate, using Thomas Pedersen’s wonderful gganimate package:
I’d like to include another GIF: a line chart of differences over time
Next, combine them using magick
(thanks to this