Texas School District COVID-19 Monitoring Dashboard

Informing data-driven decisions about school reopenings.

Tools used

R, Shiny


May 2021


Texas policymakers, parents


What it is

The Texas School District COVID-19 Monitoring Dashboard was a dashboard built by my team at the Texas Policy Lab for Texas policymakers (and any other interested parties) to survey the landscape of COVID-19 in their school districts.

Tools used

The app is built with R and is a Shiny web application. I was mostly responsible for the frontend development and some design. I helped less with the backend data retrieval, wrangling, and testing.

Project images

Project image for the project 'I Can Guess What You're Doing Right Now'
Project image for the project 'I Can Guess What You're Doing Right Now'
Project image for the project 'I Can Guess What You're Doing Right Now'
Project image for the project 'I Can Guess What You're Doing Right Now'
Project image for the project 'I Can Guess What You're Doing Right Now'