The Race for Media Attention

How has the media's coverage of 2020 presidential candidates changed over time? Who is winning the race for media attention?

STEMigration: Leaving and Entering STEM Fields During College

Are traditionally underrepresented groups more likely to migrate into or out of STEM majors?

Automation and Its Impact on Jobs

Automation and its impact on jobs.

Replicating Plots in R (Tidy Tuesday)

Using R to recreate publication-quality visuals.

Scrollytelling in R: Automation and Its Impact on Jobs

An interactive scrollytelling visualization, built exclusively in R Shiny.

Spikes in Firearm Background Checks During COVID-19

An analysis of firearm background checks during COVID-19.

The Birth, Death, and Rebirth of Kanye West

My final project for DSCI 304, Effective Data Visualization