I Can Guess What You're Doing Right Now

Using the American Time Use Survey to predict your daily activities.


February 2020


The world!


What it is

What Are You Doing Right Now? is an application that leverages data from the American Time Use Survey to guess your current activities.

Tools used

This project was built using vanilla JavaScript, and styling was done with assistance from Bulma. It was rather easy to build. It was one of my first JS projects and so it was mostly an attempt to learn 🙂.

Methodologically, for each demographic profile (a combination of race, age, marital status), I found the most common activities at every given time. (Technically, I grouped per hour to prevent issues with low N's). I would then display that activity to the user, given their parameters. If that didn't fit (according to the user), I would show the second most common activity, and so on!

Project images

Project image for the project 'I Can Guess What You're Doing Right Now'
Project image for the project 'I Can Guess What You're Doing Right Now'
Project image for the project 'I Can Guess What You're Doing Right Now'
Project image for the project 'I Can Guess What You're Doing Right Now'